When life gives you lemons

I’m sat here relaxing on a beautiful beach, not a care in the world. Then a bombshell hits my inbox, I won’t be going to Iran. In April, the Iranian powers that be, have decided British, Canadian and US citizens cannot obtain a letter of invitation without the services of a licensed guide for the duration of travel. The letter of invitation practically guarantees you’ll receive a visa, some countries don’t need them, Britain does. In theory, without an invitation, I could still apply for a visa, but with very little chance and the possibility of waiting over a month for an outcome, I probably won’t try.

Iran was the primary reason I bought a bicycle and started this trip. I should be pissed off, right?! Not at all. Travelling by bicycle has far exceeded the high hopes I set before starting this trip. I could never imagine I would enjoy this mode of transport so much. The door that’s now closed to Iran has opened so many new and exciting possibilities. I’m looking at a map again and loving what I’m seeing.So… When life gives you lemons, go to Kazakhstan. That’s the phrase, isn’t it?


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